Friday, May 3, 2013

I want to be invisible

I want to walk down the road leisurely
Without having to worry about my dress or hair.....
I want to sit by a river and enjoy the breeze
Without getting disturbed by the public's stare.....

How I wish I could cycle along the path
Letting my spirits a flying bird.....
I wish I could climb a tree and enjoy the view
Without worrying about being called a nerd.....

I wish I could go wherever my heart wants to go
Without thinking of the people I'll meet on the way.....
And all the questions they might ask from me
And in reply what exactly I’m going to say.....

It is a bother to answer the same set of questions
Again and again every time we meet.....
I wish I could be invisible to the others
So I can enjoy my walk down the street.....
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